STARDUST Meltblown Sorbent Oil-Only Pads
High quality melt-blown polypropylene. Fast-wicking fibers are ideal for absorbing oil and other hydrocarbon drips, leaks, spills, and discharges. When such spills occur on water the pads absorb oily substances but repel water. Excellent for both hazardous and non-hazardous liquids including food oils, fuel, solvents, and oil-based paints and chemicals. Use in open areas, under machinery, or in hard to reach tight spots where spills and leaks are frequent. The answer for removing oil spills from water in the open environment—including ponds, lakes, streams, bar ditches, marinas, etc.—or in facility settings from sumps, tanks, catch basins, and holding tanks. Ultrasonic weld points bind the layers of material together, keeping them intact for increased durability, thus saving money. Use also for heavy duty wiping applications when increased tensile strength is necessary. (Search also STARDUST Socks, Booms, Rolls, Pillows)
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