STARDUST Characteristics
Instantly Absorbs Spills Of All Types
Leaves Floors Clean and Dry
Reduces Slip and Fall Risk
Saves Money By Reducing Cost of Labor, Down Time, and Disposal
Outperforms Competitive Products
Environmentally Friendly
USDA approved for use in food processing facilities
Stardust Spill Products, LLC. is on the cutting edge of absorbent technology with STARDUST Super Absorbent™. STARDUST instantly absorbs all kinds of liquids, of any viscosity, off any hard surface, leaving that surface clean and dry. This includes spills of chemical, mineral, petroleum, animal, and vegetable liquids. It has virtually unlimited uses as a dry absorbent that is safe in all applications*. It is a fast, thorough, and easy way to absorb spills of liquids and semi-liquids (such as heavy greases) on contact and turn them into a solid that can easily be swept away.
STARDUST is appropriately called a “super absorbent”, not only because of its high absorption capacity, but also because of its extraordinary versatility. It is “non-select”, meaning it does not have a limited range of efficacy. STARDUST is not injurious to humans, animals, soil, concrete, asphalt, tile, or plants. It contains no reactive chemicals, is not toxic, flammable, or biodegradable, and is environmentally safe and friendly. STARDUST is also USDA approved for use in food processing facilities.
STARDUST is wholly processed from an inert, inorganic mineral, amorphous alumina silicate. Due to their amorphous structure, STARDUST particles provide a tremendous amount of surface area when compared to their volume. This structure allows for excellent surface tension, contributing to the exceptional absorption qualities of the product. In effect, STARDUST turns the spilled liquid into a solid that can be disposed of easily. Because it is lightweight and so simple to use, it dramatically reduces clean up costs, as well as the ever-increasing costs of disposal.
ABsorbent vs. ADsorbent
STARDUST is an ABsorbent. Almost all other products on the market that are sold as ABsorbents are actually ADsorbents. What is the difference? Note the dictionary definitions:
Absorb – “to take in and incorporate; assimilate; to suck up; drink in; to take up or receive a chemical by molecular action i.e. bring within, enclose, engulf, consume”. It is as though they had STARDUST in mind when this definition was written. This is truly what it does, as noted above.
Adsorb – “to collect a gas, liquid, or dissolved substance in a condensed form on a surface”. Adsorbents do not encapsulate or stabilize spilled substances. They are primarily useful for picking up and transporting the spilled material. ADsorbents are materials that retain liquids on the surface of their particles by capillary action and surface tension. The problem is that the spilled substance is still there on the surface of the particles and will leach back into the environment. For that reason disposal costs are extremely high, since few landfills can accept wastes that have been ADsorbed. This is especially true for the most widely used ADsorbent, granular clay, commonly referred to as kitty litter.
*Do not use with hydrofluoric acid.